Visual inspection and visual control

Visual inspection and visual control in the industrial sector is carried out by using equipment from the fields of thermography, endoscopy, microscopy and high speed.


  Measuring instruments for visual inspection

PCE Instruments offers a wide range of endoscopes, high-speed cameras, thermal imager and microscopes for the visual inspection of components, test blocks, machines and installations.

When a company is equipped with this type of measuring instruments, the more subjective inspection and visual control become more objective thanks to the fact that the operator has at his disposal equipment that allows assessing the specific characteristics and the inhomogeneity of the surfaces of materials. Of course, it's also necessary for the inspector to have a good level of knowledge and experience in the field of preventive maintenance and visual inspection.

Most of the equipment allows saving the measurements, images and videos to later document the results of the visual inspection of a computer. This allows other employees to also participate in the assessment, and obtain a better assessment of the results.


Visual inspection by endoscope

One type of measuring equipment used in visual inspection today is industrial endoscopes. These systems of visual inspection have been developed especially in the industrial field. Normally, these control devices are portable and some are equipped with software for the transfer and analysis of data on a PC

Go to industrial endoscopes Industrial endoscopes for visual inspection


Visual control by thermal imager

Thermal imagers are reliable visual control devices, which allow visual inspection using thermal distribution on various surfaces. The thermographic imager can be used to find leaks in buried pipes or pipes that are inside walls (for example, in buildings where direct visual inspection is impossible) and also for the analysis of energy efficiency in housing.Cámaras termográficas para la inspección visual

Access to thermal imaging cameras Thermography cameras for visual inspection

   High speed visualization

High speed visual control

The visual inspection, manual or automatic, through the use of high-speed cameras, offer the operator the possibility of controlling the quality of the product in industrial processes for which it is important that the product passes quickly and without the possibility of detention. This technology can be very effective, for example, in the search for errors in mechanical packaging processes or in bottling systems.

See high-speed cameras High-speed cameras for visual inspection


All kinds of microscopes for visual inspection

Microscopes are used in visual inspection to, for example, inspect platens or printed circuits, welding points and control possible visible errors on conductive tracks. SMD (Survace Mounting Device) mounting errors can be easily detected with these devices. You can also use this type of visual inspection to check if the surface of materials have scratches or cracks

Digital and analog microscopes Microscopes for visual inspection