IoT Sensor PCE-SCI-U
US$ 222.00
ex. VAT, ex. delivery costs
The IoT sensor converts an analog input signal into a corresponding analog output signal. The input and output signals from the IoT sensor are completely galvanically isolated.

  • Over 100 combinations pre-selected
  • Converts analogue input range
  • Completely galvanic isolation
  • Power supply 18 … 265V AC / DC
IoT Sensor PCE-RDM 10
US$ 204.00
ex. VAT, ex. delivery costs
With a measurement range of 0 to 99.99 µSv/h, the IoT Sensor covers a wide range of measurement tasks. The IoT sensor has an accuracy of 0.25 counts per second per microsievert per hour (0.25 cps/µSv/h), making it a highly precise measuring instrument.

  • Measurement range: 0.01 … 99.99 µSv/h
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Detectable radiation: γ-rays, β-rays, X-rays
  • Sensitivity: 0.25 cps/
  • Data storage for 167,857 values
  • Real-time value, average value
  • Accumulated value in mSv for long-term measurements
  • Adjustable alarm threshold