Geiger Counter Gamma-Scout GS-Rechargeable
£ 436.00
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The Geiger counter is a professional radiation meter for the very precise detection of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. This Geiger counter has a large measuring range and can be used for sporadic on-site measurements or for long-term measurements or monitoring.

  • Ranges: 0.01µSv/h…1000µSv/h
  • Detector: Geiger-Müller counter tube
  • Memory: 2kB
  • Including software, data cable and certificate
  • Rechargeable battery as a power source that is charged via USB (mains adapter or PC).

Geiger Counter GS 3
£ 489.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Online version - the instrument ican be used to send reatime radiation measurement data to a PC or Laptop. It is a Geiger counter with acoustic signal, internal memory and software. The online version is mainly used in the radiation testing of imported goods (steel, wood) from critical areas, as well as to measure food which has been previously irradiated. Very often the instrument is a perfect measurement tool (because of the realtime data transfer) for industrial or institutional research and development.

  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv / h - 1000 µSv / h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Muller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alpha 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV
  • Online, to transfer data to a PC, with pulse interval of 10, 30 or 60 sg
  • With additional alarm and acoustic pulse indicator

Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 7
£ 171.00
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The Geiger Counter with a measurement range of 0 to 9999 μSv/h and a resolution of 0.01 μSv/h is a powerful and precise instrument for detecting beta (β), gamma (γ) and X-ray radiation. Thanks to its compact and handy design, the Geiger Counter is easy to use and is ideal for measuring small changes in radiation levels.

  • measurement range: 0 ... 9999 CPS
  • resolution: 1 CPS
  • accuracy: ≤3 % of Rd.
  • units µSv/h, CPS and CPM
  • energy range: 20 ... 3000 keV ≤±30% (137Cs-)
  • sensitivity: 80 cpm / μSv / (Co-60)
Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 8
£ 162.00
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The geiger counter is a high-precision instrument developed for the detection of gamma, beta and X-rays. With its sensitive detection technology, it enables reliable measurement and monitoring of the radiation environment. Dose measurement is a central aspect of the radiation meter.

  • γ-, β-, X- radiation
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Dose measurement
  • Display in µSv/h and µR/h
  • Accumulated radiation measurement
  • Adjustable acoustic alarm
  • Battery operation
Geiger Counter GS 2
£ 400.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Geiger Counter with the typical radiation acoustic signal, internal memory and software. Everyday it is most commonly used in the control and radiation testing of imported goods (steel, wood) from critical areas, as well as to measure the food which has been previously irradiated. This Geiger Counter can be also used to measure natural radioactive radiation as the one which appears near lakes.

  • With acoustic signal
  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv / h - 1000 µSv / h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Muller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alpha 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV

Geiger Counter GS 1
£ 356.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Geiger Counter with internal memory and software. This Geiger Muller meter has been usually used in nuclear power plants. Everyday it is most commonly used in the control and radiation testing of imported goods (steel, wood) from critical areas, as well as to measure the food which has been previously irradiated. This Geiger Counter can be also used to measure natural radioactive radiation as the one which appears near lakes.

  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv / h - 1000 µSv / h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Muller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alfa 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV

Geiger Counter PCE-RDM 5
£ 85.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The Geiger counter is a small sensitive radiation measuring instrument used for monitoring X-rays, gamma and beta radiation. The Geiger counter uses an energy-compensated Geiger-Müller counting tube as a detector for accurate measurement.

  • β- and X-ray radiation
  • Measuring range max.: 9.999 µSv/h
  • Measuring range min.: 0.08 µSv/h
  • alarm function
  • battery operation
  • vibration alarm 
  • Type USB C charging port
Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 9
£ 352.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The Geiger Counter is a versatile device that is used in various areas such as security and emergency services, industrial facilities, research facilities and by private individuals to monitor radiation and environmental risks. The Geiger Counter has an internal memory for up to 1000 measured values and allows this data to be transferred as a csv file to a computer for further analysis.

  • X-ray, gamma and beta radiation
  • measuring range: 0.00 ...10 mSv/h
  • resolution: 0.01 mSv/h
  • accuracy: ≤10 % of Mw.
  • sensitivity: 80 cpm/μSv/(Co-60)
  • energy range: 20 ... 3000 keV
  • waterproof probe up to 1.5 m
  • memory for 1000 values
  • transfer as .csv file
Geiger Counter PCE-RDM 10
£ 138.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
With a measurement range of 0 to 99.99 µSv/h, the geiger counter covers a wide range of measurement tasks. The geiger counter has an accuracy of 0.25 counts per second per microsievert per hour (0.25 cps/µSv/h), making it a highly precise measuring instrument.

  • Measurement range: 0.01 … 99.99 µSv/h
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Detectable radiation: γ-rays, β-rays, X-rays
  • Sensitivity: 0.25 cps/
  • Data storage for 167,857 values
  • Real-time value, average value
  • Accumulated value in mSv for long-term measurements
  • Adjustable alarm threshold
Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 6
£ 108.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The geiger counter is frequently used in nuclear power plants, accelerators, industrial and medical applications as well as in the environmental control of nuclear facilities. The geiger counter with a Geiger counter tube as a sensor is a versatile instrument for monitoring X, gamma and hard beta radiation in radioactive work areas.

  • X, Y and hard β-radiation
  • Measurement range: 0.00 … 1000 µSv/h
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Sensitivity: 80 µSv/h
  • Energy range: 48 keV to 1500 keV
  • Sensor: Geiger counter tube
  • Adjustable alarm
Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 10
£ 395.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

The Geiger Counter measures α-,β-,γ- and X-rays and offers a high measurement accuracy and convenient design. Using the integrated Bluetooth interface in the Geiger Counter, the measured values can be sent in real time to a PC and analyzed with the included software.

  • Α-,β-,γ-and X-rays
  • Bluetooth interface
  • Internal memory
  • Software Included

Geiger Counter PCE-RAM 3
£ 80.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
Our Geiger Counter is mainly used to measure gamma, beta and X-rays and uses a Geiger-Müller counter to measure the intensity of ionising radiation. The large 2.3 inch multifunctional display shows the cumulative dose, the average and the maximum dose, while the real-time measurements are also displayed graphically on the Geiger Counter.

  • dose rate measuring range: 0 ... 10 mSv/h
  • resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • accuracy: ±30 % (for 137 Cs)
  • sensitivity: 80 CPM/µSv (related to Co-60)
  • cumulative dose: 0 µSv ... 500 mSv
  • alarm adjustable: audible, visual, vibration
Geiger Counter PCE-RDM 15
£ 103.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The Geiger Counter is a portable device mainly used for monitoring X, γ and β radiation. The Geiger Counter is equipped with a glass Geiger-Müller counter tube (GM tube), which is known for its high measurement accuracy and sensitivity, and has a 2.4-inch TFT LCD display.

  • X-, γ- and β-radiation
  • Dose rate measuring range: 0.01 µSv/h ... 50 mSv/h
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Accuracy: <10% at 1 mSv/h
  • Dose measurement range: 0 μSv ... 1000 Sv.
  • Sensitivity: 1 cps/μSv/h (related to Co-60)
  • Data memory for 10,000 values
  • Adjustable alarm: acoustic, visual, vibration
  • Software