Electromagnetic Radiation Detector PCE-EM 30
£ 1,635.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

PCE-EM 30 is a digital portable 3-axis electromagnetic radiation detector or EMF detector used to measure electromagnetic radiation generated by electronic devices and electric installations. This triple-axis EMF meter provides greater precision than single-axis models as well as affords the ability to assess EMFs from more than one source at a time.

  • Measuring range: 0 to 199.99 V/m, 0 to 99.999 W/m², 0 to 9.9999 mW/cm²
  • EMF bandwidth: 100 kHz to 3 GHz
  • Measures EMF of 5G cellular Low-band and Mid-band
  • Comes with two external sensor probes (for low and high frequency ranges)

Radiation Detector PCE-EMF 30
£ 62.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The radiation detector is a multifunctional 3-in-1 meter for electric fields (EF), magnetic fields (MF) and radio frequency fields (RF). With this radiation detector it is possible to measure magnetic fields up to 999.9 mG directly.

  • Measuring ranges: 0.01 … 1800 mW/m², 1 … 1999V/m, 0.1 … 999.9 mG
  • Bandwidth: 1MHz … 10GHz, 5Hz … 3500MHz
  • Units: mW/m², V/m, mG, µT
  • Acoustic alarm
Radiation Detector PCE-RAM 6
£ 108.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The radiation detector is frequently used in nuclear power plants, accelerators, industrial and medical applications as well as in the environmental control of nuclear facilities. The radiation detector with a Geiger counter tube as a sensor is a versatile instrument for monitoring X, gamma and hard beta radiation in radioactive work areas.

  • X, Y and hard β-radiation
  • Measurement range: 0.00 … 1000 µSv/h
  • Resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • Sensitivity: 80 µSv/h
  • Energy range: 48 keV to 1500 keV
  • Sensor: Geiger counter tube
  • Adjustable alarm
Radiation Detector PCE-RD 100
£ 260.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The Radiation Detector offers precise monitoring of the radon concentration within the range of 0.1 ... 99.9 pCi/L with an accuracy of < 10% at 10 pCi/L and a sensitivity of 30 CPH at 1 pCi/L. Our Radiation Detector discovers radon at an early stage, minimises health risks and enables continuous real-time monitoring. Current measurement data is recorded every 10 minutes and average values are calculated for 1 hour, 1 day and 7 days. The first reliable data output takes less than 1 hour.

  • measurement range: 0.1 ... 99.9 pCi/L (3700 Bq/m³)
  • resolution: 0.01 pCi/L
  • accuracy: <10 % at 10 pCi/L
  • data export to PC via memory card
  • app connection via WiFi
  • adjustable alarm
  • display: green, yellow, red
Radiation Detector GS 3
£ 489.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Radiation detector with acoustic signal, internal memory and software.

  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv/h - 1000 µSv/h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Müller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alpha 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV
  • Online, to transfer data to a PC , with pulse interval of 10, 30 or 60 sg
  • With additional alarm and acoustic pulse indicator

Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector PCE-G28
£ 291.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

PCE-G28 is a portable, handheld electromagnetic field radiation detector or gauss meter that detects electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and displays measurement results in milliGauss (mG) or microTesla (µT). This EMF radiation detector comes with an external 3-axis electromagnetic sensor (X, Y, Z direction).

  • Measurement range: 0 … 20000 mG / 0 … 2000 µT
  • Accuracy: ± 4% + 3 digits / ± 5% + 3 digits / ± 10% + 5 digits
  • Resolution: 0.1 mG / 0.01 µT

Radiation Detector Gamma-Scout GS-Rechargeable
£ 436.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

The radiation detector is a professional radiation meter for the very precise detection of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. This radiation detector has a large measuring range and can be used for sporadic on-site measurements or for long-term measurements or monitoring.

  • Ranges: 0.01µSv/h…1000µSv/h
  • Detector: Geiger-Müller counter tube
  • Memory: 2kB
  • Including software, data cable and certificate
  • Rechargeable battery as a power source that is charged via USB (mains adapter or PC).

Radiation Detector PCE-MFM 4000-ICA Incl. ISO Calibration Certificate
£ 1,152.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
ISO Calibration

The Electromagnetic Radiation Detector is used in the laboratory and quality assurance to measure the strength of magnetic fields. The Electromagnetic Radiation Detector is delivered with two different sensors. A magnetic field sensor is available for general measurements in the Gauss and milli-Tesla range, as well as a precision sensor for measurements in the milli-Gauss and micro-Tesla range.

  • Tabletop device with 2 sensors

                General Probe Range: 0-3000 milli-Tesla (0-30,000 Gauss)

                Precision Probe Range: 0-300 micro-Tesla (0-3000 milli-Gauss)

  • For static and changing magnetic fields

  • Highly accurate Transverse Hall sensor

  • Different units selectable  (mG / µT)

  • Data storage on SD memory card

    - Incl. ISO calibration certificate
Radiation Detector PCE-MFM 3000-ICA Incl. ISO Calibration Certificate
£ 566.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
ISO Calibration

PCE-MFM 3000 is a handheld electromagnetic radiation detector or gauss meter that detects both static (DC) permanent magnet (rare earth) magnetic and dynamic (AC) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and displays measurement results in gauss (G) or milli Tesla (mT). This portable magnetic field measuring device comes with an external sensor and features an RS-232 port for downloading data to a PC.

  • Measurement range: 0 … 30,000 Gauss DC fields, 0 … 15,000 Gauss AC 50/60 Hz fields
  • Accuracy: ± 5%; + 20 digits (static) / + 10 digits (dynamic)
  • Resolution: 0.1 G / 0.01 mT
  • Measures both AC (50/60 Hz) and DC magnetic fields, permanent magnets are DC fields 
  • Single axis Hall sensor (Transverse)with auto temp. compensation
  • Incl. ISO calibration certificate

Electromagnetic Radiation Detector PCE-MFM 4000
£ 980.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

The Electromagnetic Radiation Detector is used in the laboratory and quality assurance to measure the strength of magnetic fields. The Electromagnetic Radiation Detector is delivered with two different sensors. A magnetic field sensor is available for general measurements in the Gauss and milli-Tesla range, as well as a precision sensor for measurements in the milli-Gauss and micro-Tesla range.

  • Tabletop device with 2 sensors

                General Probe Range: 0-3000 milli-Tesla (0-30,000 Gauss)

                Precision Probe Range: 0-300 micro-Tesla (0-3000 milli-Gauss)

  • For static and changing magnetic fields

  • Highly accurate Transverse Hall sensor

  • Different units selectable  (mG / µT)

  • Data storage on SD memory card

Radiation Detector PCE-MFM 4000
£ 980.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

The radiation detector  is used in the laboratory and quality assurance to measure the strength of magnetic fields. The radiation detector is delivered with two different sensors. A magnetic field sensor is available for general measurements in the Gauss and milli-Tesla range, as well as a precision sensor for measurements in the milli-Gauss and micro-Tesla range.

  • Tabletop device with 2 sensors

                General Probe Range: 0-3000 milli-Tesla (0-30,000 Gauss)

                Precision Probe Range: 0-300 micro-Tesla (0-3000 milli-Gauss)

  • For static and changing magnetic fields

  • Highly accurate Transverse Hall sensor

  • Different units selectable  (mG / µT)

  • Data storage on SD memory card

Radiation Detector PCE-EMF 40
£ 450.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

With the radiation detector PCE-EMF 40, it is possible to measure magnetic fields up to 2000 mG directly. At the same time, the radiation detector shows the strength of the magnetic field numerically using an X, Y and Z axis.

  • Measuring ranges: 20.00 … 200.0 µT / 200.0 … 2000 mG
  • Bandwidth: 50 MHz … 3.5 GHz
  • Units: V / m, mV / m, V / m, µW / cm², µW / m², mW / m², mA / m

Radiation Detector PCE-RAM 100
£ 407.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
The Radiation Detector offers comprehensive measurement functions for α, β and γ radiation and is the test instrument of choice for professional radiation measurements. With the ability to precisely measure the accumulated radiation dose and count the radiation in both cps (counts per second) and cpm (counts per minute), the Radiation Detector provides accurate and reliable measurement data at all times.

  • radiation: 0 µSv/h ... 9999.9 µSv/h
  • resolution: 0.001 µSv/h
  • accuracy: <10 % of Rd
  • units µSv and mrem
  • pulse counting in cps and cpm
  • 32 GB memory with data logger
  • adjustable alarm
Radiation Detector GS 2
£ 400.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Radiation Detector with acoustic signal, internal memory and software.

  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv/h - 1000 µSv/h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Müller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alpha 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV

Electromagnetic Radiation Detector PCE-MFM 3000
£ 377.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

PCE-MFM 3000 is a handheld electromagnetic radiation detector or gauss meter that detects both static (DC) permanent magnet (rare earth) magnetic and dynamic (AC) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and displays measurement results in gauss (G) or milli Tesla (mT). This portable magnetic field measuring device comes with an external sensor and features an RS-232 port for downloading data to a PC.

  • Measurement range: 0 … 30,000 Gauss DC fields, 0 … 15,000 Gauss AC 50/60 Hz fields
  • Accuracy: ± 5%; + 20 digits (static) / + 10 digits (dynamic)
  • Resolution: 0.1 G / 0.01 mT
  • Measures both AC (50/60 Hz) and DC magnetic fields, permanent magnets are DC fields 
  • Single axis Hall sensor (Transverse)with auto temp. compensation
  • ISO lab calibration cert available as an optional accessory

Radiation Detector GS 1
£ 356.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Radiation detector with internal memory and software.

  • Measurement ranges: 0.01 µSv/h - 1000 µSv/h
  • Radiation detector: Geiger-Müller counting tub
  • Internal memory: 2 KB
  • Radiation types: Alfa 4 MeV, Beta 0.2 MeV, Gamma 0.02 MeV

UVA / UVB Radiation Detector PCE-UV34
£ 200.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery

Radiation Detector PCE-UV34 measures radiation UV, with an external sensor.

  • External sensor with UV correcting filter
  • Auto after 10 minutes of inactivity to conserve battery power
  • Large LCD
  • Minimum, Maximum and Data Hold functions
  • 0.000 to 1.999 mW/cm2 or 0.000 to 19.9 W/m²
  • 1.999 to 19.99 mW/cm2  or 19.99 to 199.9 W/m²

Radiation Detector PCE-RAM 3
£ 80.00
Price excl. VAT &. delivery
Our Radiation Detector is mainly used to measure gamma, beta and X-rays and uses a Geiger-Müller counter to measure the intensity of ionising radiation. The large 2.3 inch multifunctional display shows the cumulative dose, the average and the maximum dose, while the real-time measurements are also displayed graphically on the Radiation Detector.

  • dose rate measuring range: 0 ... 10 mSv/h
  • resolution: 0.01 µSv/h
  • accuracy: ±30 % (for 137 Cs)
  • sensitivity: 80 CPM/µSv (related to Co-60)
  • cumulative dose: 0 µSv ... 500 mSv
  • alarm adjustable: audible, visual, vibration